This week required alot of catching up in terms of both work and tech. Monday was the final resubmission day, and eventhough i didnt resubmit anything - i still had an essay to complete. That didnt take too long though. On the work front I have the same work although minor changes done. Yesterday i got a new project for the same major company although a different department. So today i have to set out the entire site.
Let me get started.. Take care..*
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Post tech week
Getting back into the swing of things at work proved to be quite more difficult than I thought. Its safe to say actually say i miss Grabouw and all the practical activities. Monday was just getting used to the old routine of getting into the work mode. I still have the same projects to complete although there seem to be alot more changes than what i initially remembered. There are new due dates which are practically around the corner so i need to get some things done asap.
Anyways, till next time.. Take care..*
Anyways, till next time.. Take care..*
Friday 4th November, Final week
Today was the presentation day :) We finished it! Our phase of the design build project is finally complete and not even the rain is bringing anyone down. Its an amazing feeling to see what we as students have managed to complete all on our own and working as a good solid team. The most exciting part by far is probably when the small children painted their hands on the wall of the school. Their hands are extremely small i must say. There were so many people that came out to support and congratulate us on what we have achieved as aspiring architects. Its the kinda things that makes you realise what is worthwhile in life :)
I will post photos for you to have an idea.. Take care :)
I will post photos for you to have an idea.. Take care :)
October 28, Week 1
This Friday marks the first week at Grabouw. So far we have manged to set up what is needed at the site. Everyone is now familiar with what needs to be done, by when and by who. The travelling takes alot out of you, but hey? its for a good cause. Its exciting to see how exciting the small children are which just spurs on your perseverence to keep working t it. As yet, we are ahead of schedule which is good as it allows for any crisis time there could possibly be.
Anyways, take care..*
Anyways, take care..*
Friday, October 21, 2011
Pre-tech week
So this was the final week before the final block at tech. Everything has been going a lil crazy trying to prep for a meeting on monday im not going to be here for - the presentation of the working drawings to that company i previously mentioned. In the same breath, considering im not going to be here for the next to weeks, i had to get all the work sorted out for then. So this week was just prepping for the time i am not going to be here and at the same time getting all my stuff ready for tech and also studying for the up and coming tests on Monday and Tuesday.
Anyways, thats it.. Take care..*
Anyways, thats it.. Take care..*
Friday, October 14, 2011
Flying by
The other day I was looking at my calender and realised.. the end of the year is alot more near than i initially thought. Its come to the point where you have to put everything in order and learn the last bit you can while you still have the chance. So this week went by extremely fast as the work increased as of last week. The company's building i was busy on had some internal changes after a meeting in the week so that had to be done along with the rest of the departments all over Cape Town and things are due all over the show. Yesterday i basically toured the whole of cape town going from one council to the next lol.. Its alot more tiring than what it seems but hey? Its a good long time out of the office.. Shhh.. you didnt hear that from me :)
Anyways, the bosses are back today and considering its Friday, the last bit of work for this week has to be finished off to start off afresh this week especially considering its nearly time for tech. Considering its two weeks this time, its really quite alot and truth be told.. Not really that excited. But anyways, take care now..*
Anyways, the bosses are back today and considering its Friday, the last bit of work for this week has to be finished off to start off afresh this week especially considering its nearly time for tech. Considering its two weeks this time, its really quite alot and truth be told.. Not really that excited. But anyways, take care now..*
Friday, October 7, 2011
Working drawings
This week began out easy, didnt really have any work to start.. But then Tuesday came the big bomb. The working drawings of that company is due Monday coming. So all of us at the office have sprung in for the various drawings that are needed. That has basically been the main focus for this week. Along with that came the stress of another department for the same company. So the working drawings and sketch plans have to be ready within a short period of time.
So i have to get cracking.. Take care..*
So i have to get cracking.. Take care..*
Friday, September 30, 2011
Month end
Lol im getting real tired of saying that i didnt really have much work to do - but its seriously the truth. This week i just managed to finish up those two buildings for that one company. The difference between the two was the internal arrangement as there was a different set of staff for each department. Another thing i did this week was internal and external renders of a previous sketchup model i did of a residential house. On a completely seperate note, i have a new work laptop :D lol excitement for the week. Also, all staff will be taught how to work on revit.. some exciting things coming up :)
Until then.. take care..*
Until then.. take care..*
Friday, September 23, 2011
And it starts..
At first this week went pretty easy with a few small jobs, changes or alterations. Then came the big things pretty much out of the blue. The company we were waiting for with regards to our sketch proposals are expecting working drawings by the 10th October so everyone was in the office was part and parcel of this job. With this came another two projects from the same company where we had to use the same design although fit the internal to the needs of that particular department.
This morning there is a meeting, so i have to get going.. Take care..*
This morning there is a meeting, so i have to get going.. Take care..*
Friday, September 16, 2011
So this week was pretty laid back. There is quite little work at the office lately so once again i cant post much. Everything is basically in pending mode. Which makes the days drag beyond belief! Even my log book is next to empty. One thing i have realised tho is that i never really did houses this year, i can basically count on my one hand how much i did, the rest of what iv been doing are corporate buildings, which are so hectic and time consuming as it must go through so many departments to be approved - hence i sit with no work in the mean time. Today i have been given another corporate building to work on tho, althou its basically the same design which doesnt leave much work to do except the different detailing that needs to be done.
So i have to get to work (surprise), take care..*
So i have to get to work (surprise), take care..*
Friday, September 9, 2011
Same old
Its come to the point where i dont know what to post anymore lol.. The week is the same every week. This week i got some new work tho, although that didnt last very long which lead to my boredom again :/. The office was pretty quiet this weekend also considering all the meetings the boss' had to go to. I dont really have much to say to be quite honest. One thing i really have to do is start on my MIP essay... its bugging me to the max.
Anyways, heres to getting this week over and done with. Take care.*
Anyways, heres to getting this week over and done with. Take care.*
Monday, September 5, 2011
26 August/2 September
In terms of religion, these two weeks has been extremely hectic. With the holy month of Ramadaan and Eid out of the way, things at the office have slowly but surely returned to normal - including the coffee rituals lol. We also had quite a few days off from work because of the preparations for Eid and also the lack of work at the office. For the past week, i have once again not much to do with the exceptions of touch ups of old projects. To past my time, I have started on a 3D of someone else's project lol. Thats how bad it is. The only reason for this is because we have a massive contract with a certain company, so all the sketch proposals that we sent through are going through their various departments for approval.
As for my long lost and forgotten project i told you about so long ago, that is also waiting on pending approvals from their various departments. Things have been very slow otherwise, which is killing me!!
On another note, i have to get started on that huge essay that wil probably be due sometime soon. Although 2nd year has made me so lazy! I have been putting this off for so long, its quite ridiculous, but i am starting soon soon.
Anyways, the bosses have arrived. Take care:)
As for my long lost and forgotten project i told you about so long ago, that is also waiting on pending approvals from their various departments. Things have been very slow otherwise, which is killing me!!
On another note, i have to get started on that huge essay that wil probably be due sometime soon. Although 2nd year has made me so lazy! I have been putting this off for so long, its quite ridiculous, but i am starting soon soon.
Anyways, the bosses have arrived. Take care:)
Friday, August 19, 2011
The aftermath
So after tech last week, catching up at work has been pretty hectic. Everything that was due happend to be in this week and i missed out on one week to get everything ready. Other than that, no new projects have really come through, just changes of old projects. There is not really much to say and neither do i have much time to post.
So.. take care..*
So.. take care..*
Friday, August 5, 2011
Pre-tech week
So this week has been sort of stressful as everything for next week had to be done this week. I was busy with one clients work (cannot be named on the internet) although the different structures are ofcourse located on different plots. (Ps. The bigger the client, the more changes they seem to make). So this has been going back and forth for this past week which doesnt make getting done any more easier.
Pluuuuus.. Considering th fact that the company i work with and another company are joining to make a new company (JZE Architects), i lend a helping hand in designing the logo :)
Anyways, i have to get back to work - else no tech for me next week.
Take care..*
Pluuuuus.. Considering th fact that the company i work with and another company are joining to make a new company (JZE Architects), i lend a helping hand in designing the logo :)
Anyways, i have to get back to work - else no tech for me next week.
Take care..*
Friday, July 29, 2011
No name:)
Lol ok so i couldnt really come up with a name for this weeks post - its still a bit early for that. So this week hasnt been too hectic although the pace has started picking up again. This week i did the final sketch proposal (hopefully) for an office building which includes the plans and the sketchup drawings along with the presentation. Also, in conjuction with that, another office building although on another site requires plans for pilots - I was just as dumbstruck, dont worry. I had to add 2 helipads and some spot and warning lights. This - without a doubt - is one hectic plan. Im just waiting on another drawing file to start on my next project.
Anyways, take care now*
Anyways, take care now*
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Work vs Tech
My apologies for this late post. I havent been in at work much due to brushing up on my tech work. Last week, once again, there wasnt much to do. Work has been slow lately so theres not much i can really blog about. It was just a few changes here and there of old projects, waiting for peoples signatures, resolution letters and asking the neighbours nicely to approve if work has gone over the boundary. Not really anything concrete done.
So thats that.. Take care..*
So thats that.. Take care..*
Friday, July 15, 2011
So i seriously have nothing to say about this week considering i actually really had nothing to do. All i really worked on was my detail library..
And thats genuinly about it.. So take care..*
And thats genuinly about it.. So take care..*
Friday, July 8, 2011
Holiday work
So truth be told.. The fact that we have projects in our supposed holiday really sucks.. Compared to everyone else, we've had no holiday as yet.. Bu anyways, this week has been quite hectic here at the office and with tech work piling up DURING THE HOLIDAYS. At work, we have a a new project proposal of which i had to set up the plans as well as a sketchup.. Of which i cannot put on the internet as it is a major company and any leaks, might lead to the death of me.. So none of that. I dont really have anything else to post, coz that has been my week long mission..
So take care..*
So take care..*
Friday, July 1, 2011
So i really had to squeeze in posting this as things are going hectic at work. I basically work on atleast 3 things at the same time just to get everything done asap. Im working on sketchup once again, doing another house. I also have to set up an entire building of offices for this major company and at the same time, do the sketchup of it as well - all in time for a presentation on Thursday coming (The presentation i still have to set up - and it doesnt help that all of this was just handed to me yesterday).
I shall post the photos of the house once im done.. Take care..*
I shall post the photos of the house once im done.. Take care..*
Friday, June 24, 2011
Done and dusted
I managed to finish that sketchup drawings:) heres the photos before i carry on..![]()
So thats just a few of those:) Anyways.. The rest of the week i was busy with working drawings and submitting those to council. Thats ended up taking up most of the week. Today I have a measured drawing to set up so that the changes can be implemented. Also, i think i have to go to council again this morning. Anyways, i actually have a ton of work to do so i have to get back to that.
Take care and enjoy work..*
Take care and enjoy work..*
Friday, June 17, 2011
This week went by relatively quick? Although it helps to be swamped with work. So my focus this week was council submissions. Ive learnt that the quickest way to find out what your plan is missing is to submit it to council and (no surprise) you are sent back with a whole lot of lil things you have managed to over look somehow or the other. Monday coming although, i think ill be going back to council for the same to 2 plans as it needed a letter of resolution - another thing learnt - as the owner of the property is part of a company/trust fund or something like that. Also, i had to draw up another house for someone in Eastern Cape.. This ladsy is so sweet and it is a great feeling when someone genuinly appreciates what you do for them so today i was setting up a 3D for her. I will post those pics up (if blogger allows me too). But anyways, the greatest news of today is that..
TERM 2 HAS ENDED!! Till when th holidays are i dont know, im just glad its here already. (Although headng back, MIP will be in our face (0o;) lol)
Anyways, take care..*
TERM 2 HAS ENDED!! Till when th holidays are i dont know, im just glad its here already. (Although headng back, MIP will be in our face (0o;) lol)
Anyways, take care..*
Friday, June 10, 2011
Submission Day
Another week, another post. So this week was pretty hectic.. A project i got when i first started came back to me as the client wanted a pitched roof instead of the flat roof he initially asked for, so thats what i started off with. Another thing was that i had to draw up two offices with some basic changes along with a canopy for a new restaurant that will be opening soon. These small things really does take up most of your time hey? There a few things pending to go to council, although im dreading that considering how long it always takes. I also miss doing 3Ds, can you believe that? Oh and lets not forget that its submission day for us 2nd years. All my stuff is handed in and updated on my blog:) But anyways, its spring clean Friday at the office so i got to lend a hand.
Take care..*
Take care..*
Friday, June 3, 2011
Blue Friday
This week i was actually quite busy. One thing i dont understand tho.. Why do people love building their houses before the plan is actually approved..? Do they WANT to get fined? But hey, thats how it goes. My focus this week was two houses and a mini alteration to a meat centre.. That all needs to go to council and im really hoping it can be done next week so that can be off my head. Oh and another project that was given to me is a doctors surgery.
Anyways, thats that.. Take care*
Anyways, thats that.. Take care*
Friday, May 27, 2011
Flu week..
So this week seemed to have been a flu week for nearly everyone in the office, and im still on the beginning stages - trying to keep my eyes open typing this post although not succeeding 100%. Anyways, this week was quite interesting. The project im head of has been printed and sent off to the other members involved although im still waiting on the response. Another plan has also been printed and that one should be sent to council soon - just have to wait for the clients signatures. Yesterday a sketch plan of two floors of apartments was plonked on me - 'working drawings please'. So ive been busy with that yesterday, and ofcourse carrying on with it this morning. So i have to get cracking in that case.
Btw, has anyone else had trouble uploading photos on blogger? Ive been trying to upload rendered photos of my hub although it does not want too>
Anyways, take care..*
Btw, has anyone else had trouble uploading photos on blogger? Ive been trying to upload rendered photos of my hub although it does not want too>
Anyways, take care..*
Friday, May 20, 2011
Lol ok i didnt vote.. although i didnt mind the benefits of a public holiday:).. So this week i focused on the last posts project i mentioned. I finished the working drawings (yippee) all checked up.. Although that has to be emailed to the other members who are also involved with this project. Once that has been approved i have to take to council and that long part will have commenced. In the mean time, i was busy with the required typical details, window schedule, electrical layout and today i have to get started on the finishing schedule. Although that i need a sit down with one of the bosses. Also, i was in a meeting with regards to a different house.. that is also in the process of becoming a working drawing.
Anyways, i have some work to do
Take care..*
Anyways, i have some work to do
Take care..*
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Busy Busy
My apologies for the late post.. Blogger was out maintaining its site
Anyways.. So this week turn quite a turn. From doing next to nothing to being completely in charge of two whole projects - and i mean handling absolutly everything on my own. A bit challenging, but some good experience nonetheless. So i have to get the sketch proposals done, and when that has been approved, got to get going with those working drawings. With that i have to supply some details and also the necessary finishing, window and door schedules. Not forgetting the electrical layout - which can be a pain to be honest. Also, i have to deal with taking it myself to council, deal with the clients and if im still there when it commences.. Do the site visits myself and deal with the builders. Lol quite a mouthful hey? With that out of the way.. We had a meeting Friday morning at the office as our company and another one are merging.. Hence we were all the 'founding staff' of the company as they put it lol.. So the next few weeks will probably be hectice with all the changes that are going to apply to all of us at the office..
But i have to get back to my tech work now - sadly
Take care..*
Anyways.. So this week turn quite a turn. From doing next to nothing to being completely in charge of two whole projects - and i mean handling absolutly everything on my own. A bit challenging, but some good experience nonetheless. So i have to get the sketch proposals done, and when that has been approved, got to get going with those working drawings. With that i have to supply some details and also the necessary finishing, window and door schedules. Not forgetting the electrical layout - which can be a pain to be honest. Also, i have to deal with taking it myself to council, deal with the clients and if im still there when it commences.. Do the site visits myself and deal with the builders. Lol quite a mouthful hey? With that out of the way.. We had a meeting Friday morning at the office as our company and another one are merging.. Hence we were all the 'founding staff' of the company as they put it lol.. So the next few weeks will probably be hectice with all the changes that are going to apply to all of us at the office..
But i have to get back to my tech work now - sadly
Take care..*
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Well considering bloggerspot didnt work for the past week or so.. iv resorted to only being able to post something now for last Friday (6 May 2011).. So last week was the last short week, sadly.. Not much was done last week as we were told we are running a bit low on work.. Plus we are waiting on replies on pending projects.. But when that comes back, ive got a feeling that things are going to get quite hectic.. which is good atleast:).. As for this week, i do have work.. but you will have to wait till the next post for that!
Take care..*
Take care..*
Friday, April 29, 2011
Short week, short post!
So this week only had 3 days:) Hence, it was one happy week! Probably the last (with the exception of this weekend) in a long time. So considering this week went by so quick, not much was done. Although i did get two new projects to work on. One was a floor of a flat and the other a simple project of just extending an existing wall. As for office politics? None at all:).. Lets see.. what else is there.. Well i managed to start on the second STW exercise and just got one more question to complete - which ill hopefuly do this weekend.
Anyways, thats that! Keep warm this long weekend and take care..*
Anyways, thats that! Keep warm this long weekend and take care..*
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
OOps :x
So in the whole spirit of the easter/long weekend.. i was off last Friday hence had no internet access and could not post any feedback on last week up till now:).. So allow me to review last week. Well as per usual these days, i havent had much work to do. Had a site visit tho, although it wasnt anything to write home about. The one thing i learnt about site visits is that it helps quite a bit when trying to think how what works. And it helps a whole lot more if you have photos as well. Other than that, we had the treat of having a staff breakfast on Thursday morning and to top it all of.. finished at 2pm:) Now that.. was wonderful way to start a long weekend. Anyways, i have to get back to drawing. Ill let you know in this weeks post what i had to work with..
Anyways.. Take care..*
Anyways.. Take care..*
Friday, April 15, 2011
So considering the internet at work has gone bonkers, i had to stand up a lil but earlier to tell you a bit of this weeks experiences. Mind you, im officially out of it though. Well this week (once again) was pretty easy. I worked again on a 3D model, a requested resource centre that was needed. Ill post some pix at the end of it. Took actually quite quick coz ive been doing so much of it! Though i like how it brings the drawings alive:). Much of the week was dedicated to finishing up another project for presenting it to another major client of the company. Other exciting stuff? I got to help design the design of the company's business card:) lol managed to put my stamp in this company. Lets see.. What else is there? Well one thing i have to say, we are a good group of four students working in this office:)
Anyways! Heres to the weekend once again:)
Take care.. *
Anyways! Heres to the weekend once again:)
Take care.. *
Friday, April 8, 2011
Lets fit it all in
Well this week i was hardly in the office! It was basically a council and site visit week! Which was pretty excitingto say in the least compared to the past few weeks:). I also had to set up about two drawings from scratch for 'as built drawings' as its called. Did you ever realise how long it takes to draw something up when theres angles everywhere you look? Its deceiving when something looks easier than it really is! lol but it kept me quite busy atleast:)
Im off to site again to measure up:)
Take care..*
Im off to site again to measure up:)
Take care..*
Friday, April 1, 2011
:) ==> Thats all i can say
Well this went awfully fast? Lately I havent had that much projects to deal with just a couple of changes of old projects to do, so this week was anything but hectic. Although i must say its quite a nice feeling when u sort of 'close the books' on one of the projects - when everything is finally done and dusted:).. Ive got nothing to post either..well no pics that you havent seen before atleast.
Anyways.. Hopefully today will go fast so that the weekend can dawn upon me:)
Take care..*
Anyways.. Hopefully today will go fast so that the weekend can dawn upon me:)
Take care..*
Friday, March 25, 2011
And there goes term one
This was a long/short week if that makes any sense. Not much was really done once again with the exception of touching up on some old projects. Im waiting for something new already! Anyways.. With that out of the way, Term 1 is over and done with again. Not much stress yet by the looks of it though, but then again, we never speak to soon hey? Im excited for my hub project though, gotta get working on it!
Enjoy the last few days of the non-existant 2nd year holiday lol
take care..*
Enjoy the last few days of the non-existant 2nd year holiday lol
take care..*
Friday, March 18, 2011
Loooooong weekend! :D
This is the one weekend ive been looking forward to for a very long time! :) (With the exception of April). This week at the office was quite laid back. Worked on my 3Ds once again and i must say im manging to improve:). Got a few council submissions at well. But that place.. takes the life outa me!
Anyway.. There is really not much to say about this week, so take care:)
Anyway.. There is really not much to say about this week, so take care:)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Living it in 3D!
This week seems to have been more mellow kinda feel and i like it after the stress bomb that exploded on me a few weeks ago. This week ive managed to concentrate more on my tech work - eventually:).. Trying to get a theatre going without it actually looking like a theatre if that explains anything..? Still working at it tho but i finally seem to be getting there.
Oh and this week i seem to be getting my Sketchup going quite well. Ill post some stuff
Anyways.. Enjoy the weekend and take care..*
Oh and this week i seem to be getting my Sketchup going quite well. Ill post some stuff
Anyways.. Enjoy the weekend and take care..*
Friday, March 4, 2011
Feel it.. It is here:)
Finally..! The much anticipated weekend is here.. Now for some good sun, relaxation and the peace of mind knowing that both my tech and work-work is done:).. This week has not been all that hectic, but not all that easy either. A balance you can call it. Managed to finish all allocated tasks along with starting sketch up and brushing up on my 3D drawings as well.
Anyways.. Theres not much to say this week.. So.. Enjoy this sunny weekend!
Take care.*
Anyways.. Theres not much to say this week.. So.. Enjoy this sunny weekend!
Take care.*
Friday, February 25, 2011
What a hectic week it was.. Seems like its just getting more and more hectic by the week. But hey? What doesnt kill you makes you stronger - or atleast allows you to learn alot more lol.. Im just glad this week is over. It seemed to be deadline mania this week hey? Rushing to get some stuff done here and there.. Also learning of a someones death this morning didnt settle so well.. Although i hope he RIP.. Lets you take a step back and re-evaluate life and your priorities hey?
Take care eveyone.. Lifes too short for hangups, let downs and hatred..*
Take care eveyone.. Lifes too short for hangups, let downs and hatred..*
Friday, February 18, 2011
Liiiiights..! Burned out
aaaaand this week went fast hey? I managed to sit in a meeting as well:) was given th task of getting the presention in order and then following that up with some minutes.. In between managing to get credit for accomplishing handling and entireproject comprising of four locations aaaand didnt i feel great :D.. Gave me a new jump start to enjoying work despite the stress lol..
Anywaaaays.. So i gota get back to my work and all those plans.. Hope i dont burn out..! hahaha:)
Take care till next time..*
Thursday, February 10, 2011
For the life of me.. DEADLINES

So thats the (almost) end to another new week. And hey Monday is Valentines Day.. Sooo have fun..! :) Ive got my valentine so get all around red lol..
Take care, till next time..*
Friday, February 4, 2011
aaand gone again:)
Shoo..! Didnt this week fly by? Managed to get all my projects up to date to meet all deadlines and all that:).. Tho quite hectic in the same breath. I can say from experience that you certainly learn more from the office than sitting in a lecture - and im loving the feeling of plans that are actually built up.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Week one, academic block one.. Check!
What a week..! I dont think iv ever been out pf town and back that much. But hey..? Saying it was good would be a nasty understatement:). Academic block 1 started off with a bang with one inspirational presentation (even though regestration was a pain:x). It carried on right through to one hectice day of design of our very own community hub. But absolutly nothing beat the two road trips:).. and having a special person with me just put the cherry on top..! Never have i seen such amazing places and i must give a big ups to Hermie and Jolanda nd all others involved an all round thumbs up:) Hopefully we'll do it again..
Coming back to work afterwards, the excitement didnt stop. I was allowed the opportunity to travel all the way to Caledon to measure up my very own building to later draw up and follow through with the rest of the plans. Can you spell E-X-C-I-T-E-M-E-N-T:)
Till next time:)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It is I:)
Soo.. The first project was to create a lil something about yourself in whatever shape, form, size and manner as long as it can be uploaded:).. This is what i managed to come up with
Take a look:)
Soo.. The first project was to create a lil something about yourself in whatever shape, form, size and manner as long as it can be uploaded:).. This is what i managed to come up with
Take a look:)
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