Friday, April 29, 2011

Short week, short post!

So this week only had 3 days:) Hence, it was one happy week! Probably the last (with the exception of this weekend) in a long time. So considering this week went by so quick, not much was done. Although i did get two new projects to work on. One was a floor of a flat and the other a simple project of just extending an existing wall. As for office politics? None at all:).. Lets see.. what else is there.. Well i managed to start on the second STW exercise and just got one more question to complete - which ill hopefuly do this weekend.

Anyways, thats that! Keep warm this long weekend and take care..*

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

OOps :x

So in the whole spirit of the easter/long weekend.. i was off last Friday hence had no internet access and could not post any feedback on last week up till now:).. So allow me to review last week. Well as per usual these days, i havent had much work to do. Had a site visit tho, although it wasnt anything to write home about. The one thing i learnt about site visits is that it helps quite a bit when trying to think how what works. And it helps a whole lot more if you have photos as well. Other than that, we had the treat of having a staff breakfast on Thursday morning and to top it all of.. finished at 2pm:) Now that.. was wonderful way to start a long weekend. Anyways, i have to get back to drawing. Ill let you know in this weeks post what i had to work with..

Anyways.. Take care..*

Friday, April 15, 2011


So considering the internet at work has gone bonkers, i had to stand up a lil but earlier to tell you a bit of this weeks experiences. Mind you, im officially out of it though. Well this week (once again) was pretty easy. I worked again on a 3D model, a requested resource centre that was needed. Ill post some pix at the end of it. Took actually quite quick coz ive been doing so much of it! Though i like how it brings the drawings alive:). Much of the week was dedicated to finishing up another project for presenting it to another major client of the company. Other exciting stuff? I got to help design the design of the company's business card:) lol managed to put my stamp in this company. Lets see.. What else is there? Well one thing i have to say, we are a good group of four students working in this office:)

Anyways! Heres to the weekend once again:)
Take care.. *

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lets fit it all in

Well this week i was hardly in the office! It was basically a council and site visit week! Which was pretty excitingto say in the least compared to the past few weeks:). I also had to set up about two drawings from scratch for 'as built drawings' as its called. Did you ever realise how long it takes to draw something up when theres angles everywhere you look? Its deceiving when something looks easier than it really is! lol but it kept me quite busy atleast:)

Im off to site again to measure up:)
Take care..*

Friday, April 1, 2011

:) ==> Thats all i can say

Well this went awfully fast? Lately I havent had that much projects to deal with just a couple of changes of old projects to do, so this week was anything but hectic. Although i must say its quite a nice feeling when u sort of 'close the books' on one of the projects - when everything is finally done and dusted:).. Ive got nothing to post either..well no pics that you havent seen before atleast.

Anyways.. Hopefully today will go fast so that the weekend can dawn upon me:)
Take care..*